Meet your Astrologer


I’m Kelly, the astrologer and knitter of MoonKnitter.

I am based in Pittsburgh and can often be found knitting in nature.

I use astrology to understand time and the cyclical patterning of life. Astrology can translate the language of the skies to us on earth. Noticing the natural patterning of our universe can give us insight into our own patterning. This is what I want to explore.

Granny Squares and Cyclical Patterns


I began to develop my astrological practice around the same that I learned to crochet granny squares. These two forms became inextricably linked in my mind. A granny square may be a square but it is also a repetitive and concentric pattern. Astrology has the power to show us our repetitive and concentric patterns, and show us the tools to change and adjust our patterns. A granny square, like a birth chart, shows us cycles. Both life itself and crocheting a granny square require repetition to create the form that you want. We each have a patterning in our life that we follow. A pattern is comfort in repetition, but a slight change of a pattern can make the pattern anew. A pattern is endless and infinite. You can knit or crochet one pattern with slight permutations and and up with hundreds of different outcomes. You can take different actions in the cycles and moments of your life and end up with different outcomes as well.

Something that I’ve learned about astrology through knitting is frogging. Frogging is a term in the knitting world that means to rip your work out (rip it, rip it, ribbit). Sometimes there are aspects of our life that can feel like we need to frog them, to rip them out, to start over from scratch. Other times, the patterns we’re following are working for us but they need to be adjusted. Maybe only one stitch fell out and we need to get it back onto the needles, and back into the pattern again. These pattern corrections are what I am to explore through astrology.

I want to explore these questions with my clients:

  • Which patterns do you move through in your life?

  • How do you steady yourself through movement?

  • What slight changes can you make in your patterns to create a new outcome?

  • In which cycles of your life do you feel most comfort?

  • What patterns and systems in your life do you feel you can move within?

  • Which phases in your life have brought the most comfort? which have brought greatest upheaval to your patterns?

  • Where do you make meaning within your systems of existence?

Heavenly Spheres and Making Yarn Balls

I am a knitter who likes to wind my own yarn balls. At most local yarn stores, they’ll ask you if you’d like your yarn to be wound on the ball winder. The yarn rotates on an axis like the earth in the ball winder, so that each side has equal yarn and it becomes cylindrical. This yarn is considered to be in a “nest.” I like to wind my own yarn balls, which means that I place the yarn around my knees while sitting cross-legged and I wrap a ball into a sphere myself. To make a ball this way, you need to wrap the yarn in one direction, and then turn it and wrap it another way. The repetitive turning and wrapping creates a sphere. A yarn ball. A lot of people who are learning to make a yarn ball have trouble with learning to change their motion to wrap the yarn differently. Learning to change and adjust within the pattern is what helps guide the yarn into a sphere.

Astrology can help us to continue to wrap the yarn ball and to end up with a sphere. Astrology is a system within which to learn, it helps us practice patterns and shift them a different way to equalize and balance the shape of our lives.

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