
  • This reading will essentially be a search and find mission to determine where and when you reached a burn out point and to prepare for future events. We will use transits and profections as timing methods to determine the astrological triggers for burnout in your birth chart. This reading is for you if you’ve recently experienced or are currently experience burnout—in any area of your life!

Featured Offering

Featured Offering

MoonKnitter Specialized Readings

These are readings I exclusively offer which are more specialized to my expertise and interests. They are great if you have a working knowledge of astrology, but want to dig deeper.

Unraveling the Spiral

Childhood Profections

  • 1 hr $66

  • As a child, we initiate a spiral motion through the houses of the chart. Together we unravel the spiral to connect with the past. Since childhood, we’ve gained clarity, understanding, and foresight. We have the ability to remember and rediscover our stories and weave together the patterns of your childhood with adulthood.

    In this reading, we use the technique of profection years to take a look at your childhood house by house from 5 years old to 12 years old. This reading pulls on my knowledge of childhood development through my years of teaching.

Unraveling the Spiral

Adolescent Profections

  • 1hr $66

  • This is a part 2 to the original Unraveling the Spiral reading where we explored profections from the ascendant of ages 5-12. This part 2 is only available for those who have received the reading for part 1. During this reading we are continuing to unravel to to get to the center of the spiral. The center of the spiral means different things for different people. It might mean that we want to go deep into monthly projections for one year you remember was impactful. Some options for more advanced timing techniques for this reading include looking into solar return charts, transits, monthly projections, profecting from the sect light, and protecting from other planets. You should come to this reading with some idea of what year or years you’d like to focus on.

Birth Chart for Your Art

Electional Astrology

  • 1 hr $66

  • This offering is a collaborative practice that explores the ritual of creation. Electional astrology will be the tool for us to find the best time for you to begin your next artistic endeavor. We will discuss the goals of your art piece, the themes you hope to portray and how we can emphasize that with the chart we choose. Some questions we will explore include: when does this art piece start? Which planets can support you in your creation? How can you devise a ritual process of creation to support your artwork? This reading is for creatives of all types.

Astro Fundamentals

These readings are basic ones which most astrologers will offer in their own flavor. If you have never had a reading before, this is a great place to start.

Patterns in Motion

  • At the time of your birth, you set patterns in motion. Your chart represents cycles in sequence that echo outwards. Together we will untangle the threads of your birth chart to learn how you encapsulate this point in the cyclical motion of the cosmos.
    Through a natal reading we explore configurations that appear in the web of your chart. We will look each planet in and learn about its condition and purpose. Then we work to develop awareness of your current place in the cycle in order to shift and fortify your intentions.

Casting a Path

  • Each year of your life contains one solar revolution. Your birth day each year casts a new path to follow. In this consultation we’ll follow the path of this year to find the repetitions of your cyclical learning journey. We learn how this section of life will impact your growth and development, and where there may be bumps or germination.
    We will delve in to your solar return chart, annual profection year, and transits to determine what topics hold your attention this year.

Custom Astro-Knit Garment

This offering includes 2-3 consultations. In the first one, we will discuss your chart, and what areas stick out to us that you would like to highlight and wear on your body. We will also discuss what kind of garment you’d like, and what color scheme fits with the planets and placements we’re highlighting.

The next time we meet, I will give you some options for an electional chart for when I will start knitting the garment. This chart will function like a birth chart for your garment and we will choose the chart to emphasize the most important aspects of your birth chart. We are co-creating and co-designing a representation and talisman of your chart.