Astrology of Burn Out
Kelly . Kelly .

Astrology of Burn Out

these experiences have led me to create the special new offering mentioned above which is a reading focusing on burn out. For me, I know that my burn out reached a fever pitch while Jupiter and the Sun were co-mingling with my Saturn in Aries in the 6th. Maybe you can relate to this. Maybe you’ve had some heavy 6th house transits that culminated in burn out through physical illness. (Fun fact my stress induced thumb nail dents have still not healed!!) Or maybe you had a pile up in your 12th house and you had to check yourself in to an institution to receive mental health care.

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Juno, Venus, and Abortion Access
Kelly . Kelly .

Juno, Venus, and Abortion Access

Juno and Venus have been following each other in the sky for some time in 2022 during Venus Retrograde and while Venus was enclosed by Mars and Saturn in Aquarius.

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Kelly is Knitting with the Moon
Kelly . Kelly .

Kelly is Knitting with the Moon

I began to develop my astrological practice around the same that I learned to crochet granny squares. These two forms became inextricably linked in my mind. A granny square may be a square but it is also a repetitive and concentric pattern. Astrology has the power to show us our repetitive and concentric patterns, and show us the tools to change and adjust our patterns.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini
transits, mars, mercury Kelly . transits, mars, mercury Kelly .

Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Mars retrograde in Gemini occurs in 2022. While mars is retrograde, we may need to walk back our actions and reevaluate what we put our energy into. Mars in Gemini is ruled by mercury, so we will also evaluate the mercury retrogrades in 2022 and how they interact with mars retrograde in Gemini. What does it mean to have mars retrograde in a mercury-ruled sign?

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