Venus/Saturn Conjunction at Sunrise

This garment was created on the wearer’s Venus return in Pisces. Her Venus is natally conjoined with Saturn, and she is an Aries born at sunrise. We decided on the gold with the inspiration from sunrise, and the teal and green were meant to show the sky as it shifts from dawn to morning. The wearer is also a Taurus rising, and again their ruler Venus is in Pisces, which also inspired the color choices.

This image shows me working on it at Lake Michigan, which felt particularly lovely for a Venus in Pisces muse.

This image shows the process of blocking knitwear, which means that you lay it out in the shape you want it to take, spray water on it and then pin it down. This way any bumps or lumps that are unwanted can be fixed and the size fits more comfortably. I liked to see this garment blocking in the sun around my plants, special for a Taurus rising with the Aries sun rising!


Mars & Venus Solar Return