Annual Profections in Childhood: Worksheet

This is the first page of a worksheet made available during an Unraveling the Spiral reading. During this reading we look at each year of your life through childhood. This page is available for download, and you can book an unraveling the spiral reading to receive the full worksheet.

The diagrams in the pdf are based on profecting from the ascendant.

What are annual profections?

Annual profections turn the wheel of your chart to interpret which planets and signs will be activated during your year. The most common method is to profect from the ascendant. This means that you view your first house as the first year of your life (before you turn 1), and the years of your life each correlate to a sign in your chart. As you age, you travel through each sign and house in your chart. The diagram in the worksheet above shows house topics that can appear in childhood during these profection years.

The annual profection year chart above begins with 5 years old in the 6th house year, and cycles from there until the second 5th house year at 16 years old. This chart reflects the process we go through while unraveling the spiral of your childhood.

What is an Unraveling the Spiral Reading?

During an Unraveling the Spiral reading, we use annual profections to evaluate the quality of each year of your childhood from 5-12 years old. We begin with Kindergarten at age 5 in the 6th house profection year and evaluate the lord of the year (or the planet ruling the sign in your 6th house, L6). This reading focuses on the ages of elementary school-age. As a teacher, I have experience teaching this age group so I pull on those experiences to guide our conversation about each year. This reading calls you to unravel the spirals of your memory, and I support you in calling forward the conditions of each year. Many people have difficulty recalling memories from these ages, and this reading is meant to pull apart those strands that can feel difficult to distinguish and untangle.

What about my teenage years?

If you want to learn about your teenage years, there is a place for you too! I am developing a “part 2” of this reading that will incorporate more advanced and layered techniques to continue to explore your profection years through adolescence. This reading will only be available for those who have received the “part 1.” If you are interested in reflecting on your childhood with me, please sign up for my mailing list where you can have first pick of my open slots, and learn more about the part 2 for this reading.


Annual Profections in Childhood with Octavia E. Butler


Juno, Venus, and Abortion Access