Profection Years in Education

profection years chart with 1st house correlating with 0 years old, 2nd house is 1 year old, and around the 12 houses until 23. Around the outside is the question "How can annual profections support teaching and learning?"

Annual Profections assign each year of your life to a house in your birth chart. The first year of your life (before your first birthday) occupies the first house and activates any of the planets that rule or are in that sign/house. Each profection year starts with your solar return/birthday. Although everyone's houses have different signs and planets, we can examine some of the general topics of each house and how they correlate to different years of your life through school age. Read through to learn about correlations between annual profections and elementary education.

6th & 7th House Profection Years

Kindergarten: 5-6 years old

Children begin kindergarten in a 6th house profection year, and by the time they complete kindergarten they are in a 7th house year. The 6th house is the house of work and subordination, and children in kindergarten are having their first exposure to order imposed authoritatively. This is also often the first time that children need to practice eating their lunch independently, washing their hands, and using the bathroom independently. These are all topics of the 6th house of health and routines.

As 5 year olds turn 6 throughout their year in kindergarten, they enter a 7th house year. Kindergartners are learning the important lessons of how to develop and sustain interpersonal relationships. This lesson continues into 1st grade.

7th & 8th House Profection Years

1st grade: 6-7 years old

Children begin 1st grade in a 7th house profection year, so they are working through the themes of forming close partnerships. These are some of their first experiences with building relationships with others and navigating difficulties of sharing space with others. What does it mean to have a best friend or a crush on someone?

As 1st graders progress through their school year, they turn 7 years old and enter an 8th house profection year. Sharing is caring! This period in life is developmentally crucial to learning how and what to share with others that they are in relationships with. This could be material or emotional. Who can you trust at 7 years old? The 8th house is also associated with death, and this is a time where kids might lose their first grandparent or pet and have a talk with a trusted adult about what death means.

8th & 9th House Profection Years

2nd grade: 7-8 years old

As students began to learn about death in their 8th year of life, they may begin to form ideas about what comes after death.

This leads us into the 9th house profection year. Students in 2nd grade may begin to be brought into a spiritual or religious practice, if they haven't already. For example, in Catholicism, 2nd grade is when you have your communion which is a sort of initiation into faith. This could also be a year where a child travels a long distance for the first time, begins to learn a new language, or learns about cultures outside of their own.

9th & 10th House Profection Years

3rd grade: 8-9 years old

Children in 3rd grade have continued to learn about the 9th house topics of foreign languages and travels, as well as beliefs and religion.

When they turn 9, they enter their 10th house profection year. The 10th house is said to represent your "career" and life goals. What does this mean for a 9 year old? This may be the first time students begin to think more seriously about what they "want to be when they grow up." Of course this will change and can especially be adjusted during future 10th house profection years, but they may begin to form ideas or opinions about different careers and jobs at this age.

10th & 11th House Profection Years

4th grade: 9-10 years old

4th graders are wrapping up their 10th house profection year. In addition to thinking about what they want to be when they grow up, they might be considering who they are in the society they are apart of. The 10th house represents your public image: Who are they in public? Are they a class clown? Are they the animal lover?

These questions about their external persona also ties in to their social lives. When 4th graders turn 10, they enter a 11th house year. The 11th house profection year is about forming social networks and friend groups. Students at this age are trying to find where they fit in and who they fit in with.


Annual Profections for Middle Schoolers