Annual Profections for Middle Schoolers

Profections assign each year of your life to a house in your birth chart. Middle school age is the first time that we begin the wheel again in the first house of self. This makes it a significant time of life where kids begin to define/redefine themselves. Everyone who is the same age is in the same profection year, which makes this a helpful topic in terms of education. If we are able to understand where kids are in the cycle through their houses, we can better support their growth in their chart.

11th & 12th House Profection Years

5th Grade: 10-11 years

This grade level begins in an 11th house profection year where they are learning where they fit in socially. This might be the year where students begin at a new, bigger school. Children of this age are especially concerned with the support of their peers and where they fit in. Behavior issues experienced in this age group may be rooted in this new experience of trying to understand where you fit in.

As these kids have their birthdays, they enter into a 12th house profection year. The 12th house in childhood can feel like the end of an era, and kids at this age may feel like they are not kids anymore. The 12th house closes the first cycle through the houses.

12th & 1st House Profection Years

6th grade: 11-12 years old

In addition to the 12th house closing out a cycle, it is also a place that represents isolation, and being on the margins of society. This stage of life is pretty indicative of that as students are beginning to go through puberty and they're learning what they are comfortable sharing with others. This house can also represent hidden enemies, so depending on the lessons learned about friends during the 11th house year, these themes can present themselves during this 12th house year.

At 12 years old, kids enter a new cycle starting with their 1st house year. The last time they were in a 1st house year was when they were first born. This is the first time they are beginning to solidify their own consciousness and growing into their own selfhood. It is the first experience of leaving true childhood behind and beginning to feel more "grown up."

1st & 2nd House Profection Years

7th grade: 12-13 years old

7th graders are continuing to go through the first house profection year that started at the end of 6th grade. Besides asserting their personal selves, these students might also be learning particularly how they come accross to to others. This is also the time that students truly really grow, physically. Their voices get deeper and they growth spurt at this age. This fits with the 1st house topics of physical appearances.

Later in 7th grade, students enter into a second house profection year. The second house has to do with your personal belongings and what you own and value. Teenagers at this age begin to accumulate things of their own that they want to keep ownership over. This may be the time where parents run into kids wanting more privacy or developing personal values that are different from their family's.

2nd & 3rd House Profection Years

8th grade: 13-14 years old

Teenagers enter 8th grade in a 2nd house year that began in 7th grade. They are continuing to assert their ownership over their own possessions. Having security and privacy is important for students during this time, and if they do not have that, it can cause difficulties in their attitude. During this stage in their lives, the beginning of cultivating personal possessions is also a big part of asserting their independence.

Toward the end of 8th grade, teenagers turn 14 and enter a 3rd house profection year. In a big city, this is when students are choosing what high schools they will go to which can involve experiencing a new neighborhood and local space. Regardless of their geographical location, teenagers at this age are preparing for high school which involves learning a new place to exist in and new friends to communicate with.


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Profection Years in Education